In April of 2001, I was introduced to Reiki through Laurelle Shanti Gaia. She was the purest soul energy I have ever experienced and her style was just a open, loving and fearless. As I continued my Reiki training with Laurelle and Michael Baird, the simplicity of this energy became more clear. I can still hear her “just set your intention, place your hands and let it flow”; and flow it did, through every dimension and aspect of my life.
As I began teaching in 2002, only 6 months after receiving Master training, it became obvious that teaching wasn’t just about introducing Reiki to others, but to dive deeper into the energy myself. Which brings me to the ‘First Lesson’ I received – You must receive Reiki for yourself before you give it to others. I’m aware that this is obvious, as all of these really are. However, it’s of utmost importance to embrace and really digest this. We have been taught since early childhood the importance of giving to others, and it is important but not at the expense of receiving for ourselves. Putting ourselves first was considered selfish. In my Christian upbringing, selfishness was sinful. So I took on another principle “others are worthy to receive and therefore I’m not as worthy to receive since I’m in second place in the receiving line.” Perhaps this was possibly the beginning for most people’s belief that they are not worthy. Selfishness was a big shadow for me and Reiki was shining light on it, showing me the way to self-love. Reiki taught me to receive it first. Well, that’s really the only way it works. It shines upon the crown, flowing down into the body and into the heart. From the heart, it flows out the arms, though the hands/palms… Receiving and Giving … It’s a balance of the two. As the flight attendant says, “put your oxygen mask on first before helping others”. Like the breath of life, I breath into myself the Reiki energy and, as I exhale, it flows out from me. The Mental/Emotional Symbol brings this balance. Activate it in a multitude of situations. It will bring calm in the midst of all the chaos.
‘Lesson Two’ – Reiki flows where it needs to go. I set my intention and then allow the energy to flow. My intention is a prayer, a calling for the energy to bring a more loving perspective of the issue. The issue is always an imbalance, whether it be an imbalance in the body, the thoughts, the emotions or the relationship. The love energy of Reiki brings it back into balance. I am simply the open channel for Reiki to flow through. It does not require my direction or effort to control its path (ie. my expectations). In fact, this actually will block my ability to receive the healing power of Reiki. Reiki is always raising the vibrational frequency, shining the love and bringing into balance. As I release my need to control Reiki, I release my need to control others or situations. Releasing that need to control was one of the hardest things I’ve done, and it still creeps in occasionally, but with Holy Fire to guide me, I am gifted with a deeper level of …
A great lead-in to ‘Lesson Three’ – Reiki teaches us how to TRUST. When I let go of expectations, allowing the energy to ‘do it’s magic!’, I am trusting Reiki. Laurelle taught me that Reiki can do no harm. Another way of saying this, no matter how the results first appear, it will always be for our highest good. That’s a lot of trust! And as I gained trust in Reiki, I gained trust in myself too.
Lesson Four – Reiki takes us deeper into Gratitude. Throughout the years of giving Reiki to myself and to others, I have witnessed miracles. Some happen instantly and others take a little longer, but miracles all the same. And it feels as amazing and wonderous after 20 years as it did the first time. I think we all feel so blessed and grateful to just be a part of that process, as gratitude opens our hearts to a feeling words cannot describe. The Power symbol takes us into this in -depth place.
Lesson Five – Reiki opens the channel to connect with our Divine Self. As I release judgment and honor the path of others, I am releasing judgment of myself and honoring my own path. I seldom give ‘negative talk’ or self-doubt any time in my daily thoughts. I’m finding joy in the most mundane tasks. I believe our ultimate purpose on this earth is to make that connection – right here, right now! All through life, we feel that we have been torn from a part of ourselves and we struggle through life to find it. Reiki shows us the way to reconnect, bringing that amazing sense of being whole and complete. As we work with HSZSN and the Usui Master symbol, they are assisting us toward this bond.
Reiki has guided my life throughout the years, showing me a simpler way to live as it leads me on a journey of awakened consciousness.
So beautifully written!
Julie Russell
You are so connected as a teacher that you have shared this guidance just when I needed it. Thank you for always shining your light. ❤️✨🙌